Thursday, November 21, 2019

Film An Inconvenient Truth Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film An Inconvenient Truth - Movie Review Example In the film, Gore also jokes that he "used to be the next president of the United States of America." (An Inconvenient Truth) This writer believes that the film has the intention to raise awareness on global warming, and the inclusion of a politician in controversial circumstances (due to the 2000 presidential election) provides the platform to draw in audiences. The artistic flow of the film is intentionally written to document Al Gore's personal encounters as well as the evidence behind the scientific findings. The film also attempts to explain climate change using a number of major claims. For the purpose of this paper the writer will look into two of these claims: (1) the doubling in numbers of category four and five hurricanes in the last thirty years; (2) as temperatures rise, heat waves will be more frequent and intense. While science can be refuted, as can the claims made in the film, this writer believes that the way the claims are presented is able to convince anyone without any scientific background that the idea of global warming does indeed exist.

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